CGEF Engages with 305 Students at Youth Career Fair

We hope your new year is off to a great start. Casoro Group Education Foundation kicked off 2023 with at a sprint as the Expose Committee took part in the recent City of Austin Youth Career Fest. This is the 10th year of this carer exploration event for Austin area high school students hosted by the Austin Youth Council.

The Austin Youth Council is a group of high school students who represent the voice of youth in local government by learning about city government and meeting with policymakers and administrators.

Students downloading more information about real estate careers

Over 2500+ attendees at largest career fest in the Austin and surrounding areas

The goal for the event, that draws over 2500 attendees and 150+ vendors from diverse career fields, is to provide students with an exposure to different career sectors, college opportunities, and the knowledge, connections, and experience to find their path after graduation.

Students from as far as Temple, Texas arrived in bus loads for the 3-hour event. Businesses and organizations from Amazon and Samsung to Austin Police Department and Amy's Ice Creams were represented.  

Students engaging with CGEF volunteers

CGEF volunteers speak with 305 students about careers in real estate

Casoro Group Education Foundation volunteers attracted hundreds of students to their booth with their enthusiasm and buckets of snacks. Volunteers promoted real estate jobs that suited each of their personalities and our brochure, "Which Career Suits You?", was downloaded by 300+ people during the event. Students asked thoughtful questions about the education required and what the volunteers love about working in the industry. 

students crowd around CGEF's booth

Students crowd around CGEF’s booth

Young faces light up with the news of scholarships

Many students became overjoyed when volunteers told them that the Foundation would be offering scholarships to those who choose to pursue an education in an area of real estate. With all the possibilities ahead of them, they left with feelings of excitement and hope. 

Thank you to our volunteers for spending their morning opening and sparking the minds of tomorrow. 

students learning more about real estate careers

Students learning more about real estate careers

A continued work

Join us, along with hundreds more to continue this good work. There are many ways to get involved. Connect with us to learn what's available.

save the date for 2023 golf tournament

Interested in becoming an event sponsor or volunteer? Contact us today.


Casoro Group Education Foundation Announces Scholarship Program and Educational Partnership with Huston-Tillotson University


Casoro Group Education Foundation Launches Partnership with Austin Independent School District